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Do you know wines from Chubut, Argentina?⁠

Foto del escritor: Marisol de la FuenteMarisol de la Fuente

In Argentina, we make the southernmost wines in the world and there are more and more wineries that surprise local and international consumers with their products. A few days ago I had the opportunity to try some wines that I did not know before at @vinosy Negocios Fair and, I must say, they surprised me.⁠

☃️How is the weather in Chubut? ⁠

It is obvious to say it, but a cold climate is evident, where the vines are exposed to very low temperatures and frost (where you must use sprinklers to protect them) but also to many hours of insolation by latitude.⁠

🍷 What did I try? I'll tell you about each area of ​​@chubutpatagonia

◻️ From El Hoyo @patagonianwines I tried their Red Blend Piedra Parada and their sparkling Brut Nature Rosé⁠

◼️ From El Hoyo, at the Ayestarán Family farm, I tried the white blend and the merlot.⁠

◻️ From Gaiman @bardasalsur the Pinot Noir and the Malbec.⁠

◼️ From Valle de Los Altares @bodega_los_altares I tried their Torrontés and their Chardonnay.⁠

◻️ From Rincón de los Leones @estancialosrobles.rdl I tried the chardonnay.⁠

◼️ From IG Trevelin @vinasdelnantyfall the Pinot Noir and the Pinot Noir Oak.⁠

◻️ From IG Trevelin @casayague the Chardonnay and the Cabernet Franc.⁠

◼️ From IG Trevelin @contracorrientebodega the Chardonnay and the Pinot Noir.⁠

Each one with its cacarterísiticas and its highlights, all the wines that are worth knowing, especially those of the I.G. Trevelin that doesn't stop growing 😍⁠

And you, have you tried wines from this region in #patagoniargentina? which? What did you look like? I read you 😄⁠



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